
IT Professionals in server room looking at tablet

31 Jan: Microsoft 365 Price Increases: You Have Options to Lessen the Blow

After a decade on the market, Microsoft has announced a significant price increase to Office 365. The changes only effect commercial licensing at this point, but I would expect other offerings to increase as well. Beyond the obvious argument that prices have remained the same for ten years, they are touting the continuous innovation over the past decade to justify this boost. You have to hand it to them; they have been creative recently with feature additions to the products to provide more value to the customer.

Services Whitepeper Blog FI

11 Oct: New Whitepaper! A Definitive Guide to Conquering the Digital Era

In the blink of an eye, digital transformation leapt from to-do list item to daily lived reality for most companies. A global pandemic and its attendant business, social and personal consequences changed everyone’s plans, big and small. Ready or not, companies responded to a culture of social distancing by creating virtual workplaces on the fly. Suddenly the conceptual challenges of a digital business – access, resources, process, security considerations – have become extremely tangible. We collectively experienced a decade’s worth of technology adoption and business strategy executions in under two years. In the process, we have learned that digital business transformation is the ultimate challenge in change management because it impacts industry structures and strategic positioning—not to mention every task, activity and process within the organization.

Understanding the scope and duribility of data

26 Jan: Understanding Scope and Durability of Data on AWS

Moving valuable data and workload to the cloud requires careful thought and consideration to ensure that the data gets the durability and availability that best fits the use case. There is no magic cloud button to ensure 100% durability and availability — not even in the most expensive solutions. But have no fear, there is hope.