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Leading Contact Center Provider

Leading Contact Center Provider: Call Center Desktops

Problem Statement

The customer is a leading omnichannel call center, specializing in delivering exceptional customer experiences (CX) for brands of all sizes. Another customer has initiated migrating its Contact Center to this company. Recognizing the complexities of such transitions, Presidio has been asked to provide professional services to facilitate the integration process.


The deployment plan comprises several key components aimed at establishing a robust infrastructure. This portion of the deployment provides the implementation of Amazon WorkSpaces Pools virtual desktop for contact center agents. The deployment will include configuring base images, and application access, with connectivity tested to AWS Connect.


Simplified VDI management by managing pools of Virtual Desktop through AWS Console.  Reduced cost by optimizing pool size and storage using scaling policies to provide capacity based on demand and only paying for the resource used. No hardware and capex cost as WorkSpaces offers pay-as-you-go hourly pricing.

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