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Presidio’s 2023 Cybersecurity Predictions


2023 is just around the corner. To help our customers get ahead of cyber adversaries, our team of cybersecurity experts compiled a compressive list of the threats, solutions, and trends we see on the horizon.


Ransomware Attacks

Exponential growth in Ransomware Attacks will continue in 2023. Our top cybersecurity partners are consolidating platforms and solutions into kits that will assist recovery efforts so that organizations can treat Ransomware like any other outage. However, the adoption of these methodologies is still bifurcated and disjointed. A continued effort will lead to industry best practices for Ransomware Mitigation and Recovery, focusing heavily on resilience.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

The barrier to entry for attackers who want to launch both Ransomware and DDoS attacks is set far too low. These attacks are readily available from hacking services for a nominal fee. As organizations weather the pending economic storm, we will see additional Insider Threats/Disgruntled Separated Employee attacks. We expect to see increased demand for our services and partner solutions that can respond to and prevent DDoS attacks and render them useless. 

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Identity is the cornerstone of all cybersecurity best practices. All frameworks start with ensuring identity is locked down. From Account Take Over (ATO), Financial Fraud Schemes, East/West Traffic Movement, Elevated Privilege, Phishing/Vishing to Deep Fakes, it all starts with identity. The industry needs to move back to the basics and ensure Identity policies are solid and observed.

Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

MDR encompasses many aspects of cybersecurity, and in 2022 it will become a general contractor for Cybersecurity Services. With all the various data collection points, having the resources to respond to and manage these data points and platforms is necessary. Organizations continue to realize how vast and extensive good cybersecurity can be and have begun to request partners who can handle their programs comprehensively. Presidio MDR exists for this purpose, and we are seeing more and more customers adopt Presidio as their trusted advisor 

Cloud Security

We anticipate a focused effort to attack cloud infrastructure in 2023. This effort will drive increased adoption of Cloud Security Posture Assessments (CSPA) ahead of production moves.

Cybersecurity must be part of each migration and cloud journey as we continue to design, build, and run cloud environments for our customers.

Cloud Security will only continue to grow, and more adoption means more cloud resources and assets on the attack surface. Including a cloud footprint in risk analysis and understanding how these connections are made and secured is now critical.

Zero Trust

Security initiatives in 2023 will be measured by how well they contribute to a zero-trust model. Organizations that postpone developing their Authorization Model will not realize the full benefits of Zero Trust. Without a solid commitment to a long-term cyber roadmap, organizations will continue underutilizing their acquired technology.

Economic Downturn

Historically, hard economic times lead to an increase in crime. We expect increased attacks. Organizational reductions in force will lead to fewer resources to mitigate and recover from those attacks. This increase in crime will produce more requests for MDR providers to act as general contractors to handle cyber comprehensively for organizations.

Election Security

As we draw closer to 2024, Election Security will become a top priority for state and local governments. This trend will emphasize supply chain and put a microscope on the SDLC associated with voting machines, election day cyber-attacks, and outside influence on the presidential election.

PKI Architecture

The importance of a secure PKI Architecture will come to the forefront in 2023, as insecure PKI environments present a vulnerability that is becoming exploited widely. Presidio’s Offensive Security Group has seen this becoming more prevalent, and very few organizations have this architected securely.

As our team winds down 2022 and looks to 2023, we hope you’ll consider Presidio for any or all of your cybersecurity needs. Our team stands ready to protect your organization anytime, day or night, and we are here to help you wherever you may be on your cyber journey. Have a safe and Happy New Year!

Presidio Cybersecurity Team

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